Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lymphoplasmactic Lymphoma (Waldstrom's disease) identified....

I received a call from Dr. O, and the Mayo clinic identified the cancer to be Lymphoplasmactic Lymphoma (Waldstrom's disease). This is a non-aggressive lymphoma.
This cancer is accompanied sometimes by a condition called hyperviscosity, which basically means there is a specific type of protein found in the blood, in a large amount.
We saw the Retinal specialist also that day, and he confirmed that this was most likely the cause of the 100's of hemmorages in Renee's eyes. The blood vessels in the eyes are some of the smallest in the body, and they were affected by the hyperviscosity first. Other cancer patients with this condition would also have this, but may not be aware, as the hemmorages should clear when the blood is treated.
God had used this, as he directed the hand of my child Faith, to give us an early alarm to this cancer.

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