Friday, May 18, 2007

2nd chemo week ends....

Renee completed her second week of chemo, and did not experience any real problems. The treatments were much faster, with only a small bag of anti-nausea, and then a small bag of chemo needed. (Renee might not think they are that small)
Renee had a heplock inserted into her arm, and kept it there all week so it could be used each day. Since it is wrapped in a bright colored wrap, the baby tries to grab it when he gets a chance.

All the children have adjusted well to this "new lifestyle."(We know that prayer has much to do with this! Thank you!) Charity (8 yrs old) understands the most, but wants to know the least details! She is very squeamish when it comes to blood and needles. However, Faith (6 yrs old) likes to investigate, as she wants to be a Dr. someday. She has wrapped Renee's arm in the coband to cover the heplock. Hope (2 yrs old) is most sympathetic, as she questions: "mommy does it hurt...did you cry and cry?" , "mommy, you get shot?" Josiah has bonded with grammy, which has helped with all of Renee's appointments.

Renee will be going in for her procrit shots each Tuesday ongoing for now, and she will be scheduled to have a bone marrow sample taken in the next month. This sample will tell us how she is progressing, and hopefully will be clean of cancer.
Please pray for God's healing.


Joe Analytics said...

Praying for you daily. The LORD is good and does provide in all situations.

Dianna :-)

Ann said...

Brian and Renee,
Thank you for sharing this address so that I can keep up with youall. Your family pictures are beautiful! My prayers are with you.
Love, Aunt Ann